Install with Powershell from PSGallery If you are on Windows and using Powershell Gallery package manager, you can install and update kubectl with Powershell. Run the installation commands (making sure to specify a DownloadLocation): Install-Script -Name 'install-kubectl' -Scope CurrentUser -Force install-kubectl.ps1 -DownloadLocation. Complete Walkthrough on How to Install Cygwin on Windows.Instructions:First step: Check the System type of your computer (32 bit or 64 bit).Second step:http.
What is socat?socat is a computer networking utility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP.
Developed by Gerhard Rieger -
How to install in Windows
1. Download and install Cygwin from
2. Install additional Cygwin packages:
Install Socat Cygwin
- gcc-g++- gcc-core
- cygwin32-gcc-g++
- cygwin32-gcc-core
- make
3. Download socat current version
4. Open Cygwin prompt and chage to directory where downloaded socat
tar zxvf socat-
cd socat-
make install
Nice things to do with socat