Ci V Icom Software For Use With 7700

  • Receivers
  • Base Stations
  • Base Stations
Download TypeUSB Driver
Model nameIC-7100/IC-7200/IC-7300/IC-7410/IC-7600/IC-7610/IC-7850/IC-7851/IC-9100/IC-9700/IC-R8600
VersionVersion 1.30
Major changes

Changes in this version
Windows 10 version 1803 (Jan 2019 update) is now supported.

  • The driver supports the following transceivers and receivers.

  • Thoroughly read the Installation Guide before installing orupdating the USB driver.
File Size7.67MB
File TypeZIP
Manualmanual download page

Regarding this Download Service.

IC-7700 latest firmware updates. CI-V Upgrade Brochure.pdf 199.9 KB IP Control Brochure. RS-BA1 IP Remote Control Software. IC-7700 latest firmware updates. CI-V Upgrade Brochure.pdf 199.9 KB IP Control Brochure. RS-BA1 IP Remote Control Software.pdf 566.18 KB HF Radio Selection Chart. Compare Icom HF radios.pdf 800.26 KB Product Review. QST Product Review of the IC-7700.pdf 1.42 MB. I purchased an Icom IC-7851 in May of 2015 and it is now time to depart with my IC-7700. The only reason I am selling the IC-7700 is because of my purchase o. Icom's 7700 doesn't feature in the list of rigs but, if I modify the CI-V address on the 7700 from x74 to x6A and tell WSPR that I have a 7800 then both PTT and frequency control work. On my Icom 703, frequency changing works fine but, if I try to use CAT PTT I get.

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Ci v icom software for use with 7700 wirelessCi v icom software for use with 7700 printer

Firmware is important data for the basic system control of your equipment. An interruption during downloading or a malfunction may cause a failure in the data re-writing, and your equipment may stop functioning normally. If such a failure of the firmware re-writing results in your equipment not functioning normally, Icom Inc. and its affiliates expressly denies and is free from any and all responsibility arising from the result of damage from such an event.

You agree not to hold Icom Inc. and its affiliates responsible for any damage to your equipment operation or loss of data, or unauthorized use of the equipment, whether intentional or not, as a result of use this download service.

© 2003-2011 by Harold Melton, KV5R. All Rights Reserved. Rev.06/11/05

Icom 706MkIIG Computer Control and Soundcard Interface

Interfacing the radio to your PC has too many “way-cool” advantages. Computer-enhanced radio control and programming, automated logging, and a multitude of digital soundcard modes. See my Getting Started in PC Soundcard Digital Modes page.

Ci V Icom Software For Use With 7700 Drivers

The 706 has the usual 1/8th″ CI-V remote control jack. To connect to a computer, you must purchase the Icon interface for $140, and a soundcard interface for $100 - OR NOT! This circuit will cost perhaps $25 (with case and cables and plugs) and does all these neat things:

  1. CI-V to RS-232 data interface for radio computer control
  2. RTS to PTT switching
  3. DTR to CW Key switching
  4. Audio to/from computer soundcard (not shown in schematic)
Ci V Icom Software For Use With 7700

Ci V Icom Software For Use With 7700 Sewing Machine


  1. No one but you are responsible for mistakes/damage! This circuit, if improperly built or connected, could damage your radio and/or your computer! Work carefully! Double-check everything! All I can say is, mine works fine — no guarantee yours will.
  2. Chop a 6-foot serial (RS-232) cable in half and use it for connections. Ring out and document the appropriate RS-232 pins to wire colors. Attach wires to PCB. This saves having to solder the RS-232 plug.
  3. See page 6 of instruction manual. Use the 13-pin DIN plug that comes with the radio.
  4. Get a Radio Shack 6-foot patch cord with stereo 1/8th″ mini-jack on both ends. Cut in half and use for audio lines from PCB to computer soundcard. This saves having to solder the 1/8th″ plugs. Tie both channels together or leave ring floating.
  5. Get a 2x3x5 plastic box. Dremel-grind mouse holes along top edge, three per end, for cables. Put cable ties on cables. Pinch them into mouse holes with lid. This is much easier than running cables through drilled holes (they will always be twisted, Murphy, 100% of the time, before you get done).
  6. Make a cable with a 1/8th″ mono jack for the CI-V connection.
  7. Make a cable with a ¼th″ mono jack for the CW-KEY connection.
  8. Dress all shielded cables at PCB connections with heat-shrink (avoid a lot of shorts)
  9. Dress both cable bundles with black plastic spiral-wrap (R/S has it).
  10. If you run QRO and/or a lot of RF in the shack, you’ll probably need isolation transformers, and perhaps ferrite chokes, in the audio lines. Try chokes first.

You’ll end up with something line this:

Computer side cables:

A black box (with PCB inside) in the middle of a 6-foot assembly

Radio side cables:
5 conductors to RS-232 9-pin plug:
Pin 2 - DRX
Pin 3 - DTX
Pin 5 - Gnd
Pin 7 - RTS
Pin 4 - DTR
5 conductors to 13-pin ACC plug: Ground to pin 2 (red)
PTT to pin 3 (orange)
13.8 to pin 8 (gray)
MOD-in to pin 11 (pink)
AF-out to pin 12 (light blue)
1 audio line to soundcard line-in. From ACC #12 Lt Blue2 conductors to 1/8th″ CI-V plug
1 audio line from soundcard speaker out To ACC #11 Pink, via 50k PCB pot2 conductors to ¼″ KEY plug

CI-V Interface with PTT and CW Keying, by G3VFP - Own Risk. Audio Lines not shown - see below.
Building this circuit will save you over $150.
My second interface includes CI-V, PTT, KEY, and Soundcard.

Ci V Icom Software For Use With 7700 Printer

If you don’t want CI-V interface, use this simple, non-isolated schematic in shacks with low RF density.
* Rx should probably be 600 ohms to match mic input of radio.
My first interface - does not include CI-V.

Disclaimer: The author assumes absolutely no responsibility, under any circumstances, for what the reader may do with this information. Building and connecting circuits, and performing adjustments or modifications, may damage your radio, void your warranty, and/or cause it to operate in violation of FCC rules and Type Acceptance, etc, unless you are very careful.


Ci V Icom Software For Use With 7700 Wireless

706: Location — 706: Tune Control Activator