About this mod A massive project to greatly improve the appearance of countless static 3D models in Skyrim. Basically, this is my attempt to make the Skyrim architecture, clutter, furniture, and landscaping much nicer. Yea but how does static mesh mod affect my vivid weathers ext. Well, maybe vivid weathers needed to change a texture provided by smim, or maybe it needed to change a smim mesh in some way. Some of my smim meshes are being overwritten by ELFX meshes, some of my smim textures are being overwritten by Noble Skyirm textures for example. The list of acronyms and abbreviations related to SMIM - Static Mesh Improvement Mod.
Static Mesh Improvement Mod Se Scrie
Sep 23rd, 2019
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Noble Skyrim Static Mesh Sse

May 20th, 2019


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