Jedi Temple Floor Plan

At the climax of the Separatist crisis, the Jedi took charge of the Kaminoans’ clone army, abandoning their traditional role as negotiators and peacekeepers to serve the Republic as generals. The Order’s role in the Clone Wars would be directed from the Jedi Temple, but the wartime duties left many Jedi deeply uneasy. Yoda himself warned that the dark side was at work, clouding the Jedi. For instance, there is an ancient Sith shrine beneath it, and the Jedi didn't know about it. According to the book Tarkin, part of the reason the Jedi fell was because the dark side power lingering in the Sith shrine seeped up into the Jedi temple and weakened them. – Wad Cheber stands with Monica Jan 18 '16 at 3:58.

~ Coruscant, Night, 24 BBY ~

Focus eluded Anakin Skywalker. Considering he was walking the crowd of a seedy cantina on Level 516, that was a bad omen. He had been tasked with finding the prison-breaking criminal Quay Jolar, and the Force assured him the lowlife would soon be found. He and his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, had narrowed Quay's position down to this sector, this street, this very same drinking establishment. The plan was simple: His master had the first floor, while he was to sweep the second and topmost floor. Yet Anakin's mind, and more so eyes, were elsewhere. He had quickly discovered that this level of the cantina had a more… lustful ambience.

'I see you there pretty boy…' the twi'lek cooed. 'Come here and have a chat~' Cyberlink bd & 3d advisor for mac.

Hp elitebook 8460p unknown device driver windows 10. She beckoned to him, as did the human female next to her at the bar. A surge of warmth ran through his body from their attention, but he kept his features flat as he made his way towards them. The blue twi'lek was… appealing, Anakin mused. Long shapely legs lead to her wide hips, while the crude two-piece she wore made a proud display of her midriff. And her breasts.. Well, there was a reason Anakin couldn't focus.

'What is it?' He asked firmly. 'Anything to report?'

'Ooh, on official business?' The twi'lek asked.

'What's it matter to you?' He regretted the bite in his tone, except for it seemed to make her grin all the more seductive.

'It makes you even more of a catch…'

'I am on duty.' He admitted. 'There's trouble around this sector needing to be found.'

'But you haven't found it?' Her quiet friend asked – she had nearly escaped Anakin's senses. She stood no more than five feet, with short brown hair trimmed straight at her jaw. She wore a small black shirt and matching shorts giving way to long red stockings. While nowhere near as shapely as the twi'lek, she was equally tempting.

'Not yet. This type of trouble can be… elusive.'

'Perhaps we could help clear your mind?' the petite one offered in a shy voice, clearly the add-on to her twi'lek companion.

List Of Jedi Temples

'Well…' Anakin thought. He was quickly becoming fascinated with her. So slight and slender; carrying an unassuming presence like.. like her, the woman of his dreams. The thought of her forced him back to reality.

'Er, no. It's not my place to-'

'How old are you, handsome?' the twi'lek cut in.

'Nineteen.' he lied.

'Hmmm.. and you're already such a man~' She purred, placing a hand on his chest. Her face was to his, eyes locking, lips tempting. No. He knew he was stronger than this. But the sensation of her breath on his neck.. and the promise of a night free of being a Jedi.. He let down his guard, welcoming the twi'lek's touch, the press of her heavy cleavage against his chest. Before he knew it, he was tasting the warmth of her kiss. Her cherry purple lips serviced his mouth, and his mind swam with fire.

Her companion seemed unsure what to do. Reaching into that fire, Anakin wrapped his arm around the girl, bringing her closer.

'Touch him.' The twi'lek instructed her.

The girl brushed a hand over his pants. He hungered for her touch, blood coursing down his body. Her eyes widened as she discovered his shape. He continued making out with the twi'lek, but every part of him wanted to have a handle on the other.. On Padme.

It's not Padme. It's an escort. And this is wrong.


His fire went out. Stumbling away from his seductresses, he turned, worried to find the source of Obi-Wan's voice right behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't. Still, where was he, and why had he called him? Then a rush of motion took his attention. Quay Jolar breaking through the crowd with ruthless pace and swings of his elbows. Summoning the Force, Anakin shifted a crowded table two meters left, catching the criminal at the stomach and toppling him to the ground. It all came naturally – with a lunge he was over the table, and the snap-hiss ignition of his lightsaber stopped Jolar mid-scramble. He pointed the sapphire blade to the alien's neck.

'No moves, scum. Not a muscle.'

His capture obeyed. And through the newly stilled crowd Anakin spotted Obi-Wan making his way to them.

'All too easy, Master.'

'Yes yes, you did your part. Tell me all about it later. '

The Coruscant Droid Force was fourth to the party, and promptly arrested the fugitive. Anakin switched off his lightsaber, and thought it best to be out of here right about now. He didn't dare look back at his former partners.

'Well Master? I guess now we have the pleasure of writing up a report. Can we go?'

Obi-Wan wore that familiar pause to his features. 'Yes.' he hesitated, eyes distant. 'I suppose… yes.'

Nothing to it then. Anakin was quickly in step towards the lift when he noticed that Obi-Wan wasn't following. 'Master?'

'There's one more thing I need to deal with.' Obi-Wan said, then finally looked his way. 'Go on, make sure those blasted droids have a handle on our work.'

'Yes, Master.'

He was glad to leave, but it was hard not to think about the way Obi-Wan surveyed the same bar, same clientele, where and whom with Anakin had lost himself.

~ Two Days Later, Evening ~ Software open pcb file.

Obi-Wan turned off the holo-screen with a sigh. He had been maintaining the guise of leisurely browsing various files in the Temple archives, but his ruse was beginning to feel useless. Just across his data terminal, Jedi Master Shaak Ti was not subtle in the stern way she eyed him. Stern? Suspicious? He couldn't really interpret the look, but it was clearly directed his way.

'Kenobi, may I have a word?' She asked in an official tone.

Obi-Wan kept his pleasant demeanor, but inside he felt a wealth of unease about his senses. What was it this time? Was Anakin in trouble? Or was it his own shortcomings as a teacher? He made his way to her table, suddenly feeling foolish for his paranoia. I didn't report anything, after all.

'May I offer my assistance, Master Ti?'

'Why yes – and Shaak Ti is fine.' She paused, then made a small smirk with her lips. 'My request.. Well, it's just that you may find it a bit unusual.'

'I realize my Jedi path is young, but allow me to say it has often led me to the unusual. Please, do ask.'

'I would like to invite you to one of the pleasure rooms.' She said bluntly.

'Um, well now you have caught me off guard. Did you say, pleasure rooms?'

'Yes. I understand this may come as a surprise, but they quite exist in this very temple.'

'Well, of course, the Room of a Thousand Fountains where we reflect on the peaces and pleasures of the Force.'

'Don't be dim, Kenobi. I wish to mate with you.'


'It is purely a physical urge of course. And it wouldn't take long. In fact, it is encouraged that we needn't even speak, only do.'


'Um, I see.'

'Apologies, I shouldn't be so blunt. I forget that only the Masters of the Order are trusted with this.. knowledge and privilege. You don't have to decide right now–'

'The answer is no.' He said firmly. 'I'm afraid I haven't matured enough as a Knight to indulge this passion.'

There was some truth to that. Did he often feel three steps behind as a Jedi Knight? Certainly. Was he denying a heated togruta woman because of these shortcomings? No. The reality was much more personal.


'Of course, a wise decision. Forgive my asking in the first place. It's just–'

'No, forgive my awkwardness.' Kenobi admitted. 'Still, I think there's a way we can help one another.'

'Is there?' She brightened, and he realized he should have worded that differently.

'It's my padawan, Anakin.'

He paused, yet she remained listening.

'He's.. At that age. Young, yet matured. Confused, yet headstrong. When around females his age–'


'Well, yes.'

Images of Anakin frolicking with the underworld escorts brushed through his mind. He hadn't the heart to reprimand him, as he no doubt should have.

Jedi Temple Floor Plan

Shaak Ti seemed reflective, then spoke. 'The boy is rash, and has grown quite handsome I might add.'

Obi-Wan was surprised to be making way. He continued. 'I think he needs the warmth of a woman without the lines of attachment. It's clear from the passages of his life.. being torn and placed at the will of others.. I sense he is in a time of discomfort. Perhaps letting him be 'grown up' for a night could ease his passions.'

'I understand your thinking. In fact, I experienced that same conflict as a Padawan. To be secluded in training, then brought forth to the crude ways of the world.. You can't help but want – burn – to seek others. Ultimately though, it is forbidden. And I don't just mean attachments, but also your suggestion. It is forbidden to indulge my current privilege with a Padawan. For obvious conflicts of age, and more so maturity, that is.'

'I figured.' Obi-Wan concluded. 'I suppose he will have to pass through the paces of life as we did.'

But Obi-Wan hadn't done so. His time with Satine Kryze had been the opposite of resisting. And ironically, the loyalty he still felt for her was the only reason he'd rejected Shaak Ti's original urging.

'Exceptions can be made.' Shaak Ti countered. 'In fact, Skywalker has already been the recipient of many.. special circumstances.'

Jedi Temple Floor Plan

'What do you mean?'

'His late-entering the order, of course. But also his.. other attribute. The one only spoken among the Masters.'

The chosen one, they both communicated with their eyes.

Star Wars Jedi Temple

Jedi temple guard

She continued, 'Perhaps for his proper development, one more special circumstance could come his way.'

Jedi Temple March

'Surely the Council wouldn't–'

'The Council needn't know.' She said in a low tone.

He nodded, then she claimed: 'I will pair with him, for his sake.'

'And for your own?' Obi-Wan added with a grin.

'And for my own.' Shaak Ti blushed.

There was silence, and then they shared a laugh as they realized the sheer awkwardness of their conversation.

After parting words, Obi-Wan left the library and made his way through the temple corridors. He didn't have the courage to tell Anakin that he'd more or less set him up with a prostitute, so instead he'd sent the following to him via datapad:

Jedi temple march

Jedi Temple Puzzle

You are to meet with Master Ti in the highlighted room at fourth hour. She will help you with some of the tensions you have been feeling. Don't be late, and follow her lead.