This is a list containing all mods that are useful or good or both, so that you can enjoy it without having to search through ten thousand mods.
Fallout: New Vegas Adult Mods. Sign in to follow this. These Fallout: New Vegas mods are of an adult nature. 6 Body Replacers. Today we are talking to DeserterX a long time member of our Nexus Mods community and author of many incredibly detailed armour mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. BigBizkit: Thanks, DeserterX, for joining us today: as always, we like to start the interview off by you telling us a bit about yourself.
This is still WIP, and will always remain so, because I'll keep updating it with new good mods.Actually, i just named it WIP because its pretty. Seriously.I think i covered a lot of mods, but I'm just one person (or am i?), and if you think i skipped a good mod, let me know.
Non-Player Character Modifications
NCR Doggy Buddies - Changes the NCR Dogs to normal dogs, and adds a NCR Helmet.
TYPE 3 Body and Armor Replacer - Transforms the Feminine armors into a more 'Feminine' type.Adult only content.
Alsatian Rex - Transforms Rex into a Real Dog
Essential plus Tweaks - All Companions are now essential, and can level up to level 25. Also fixes Veronica.
Improved Faces- Improves some broken NPC Faces.
4GB Enabler - Load Fallout New Vegas with the 4GB enabling Large Address Aware bit set
NVSE,BOSS - NVSE extends New Vegas scripting capabilities, and BOSS re-orders your load order.
FOMM - A collection of utilities related to both creating and using mods.
FNVEdit - FNVEdit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector.
Major Additions and Bug Fixes
Community Bug Fix Compilation Patch - A Patch Compilation, that fixes a lot of bugs and placement issues.
Bullet Time - Alternative to VATS. Slows down time so you can Aim.
Save Key - Adds a hotkey to save the game. ( It is not the Quicksave, it is the long save)
Fade That Faction Armor - You can now fade the faction script from a faction armor, so you can use it like a normal armor. An alternative to this is IFF Faction Disguises Reworked.
Save Cass - <spoiler> Adds a third option to the Silver Rush quest.
BlackWolf Backpacks - Adds wearable backpacks to the game.
Dragonskin Tactical Outfit - Adds a selection of the titular outfits - in different colours and camo patterns - to the Wasteland
Conelrad Radio Station - Adds a new Radio Station
AG's Supplementary Uniques - Adds nearly 100 new and unique weapons to the wasteland, Lore friendly.
Darnified UI - Improves the User Interface in a number of ways.
Attribute Perks Bonuses - APB - Gives players bonuses for high attributes.
Powered Power Armor - Power Armor now has a lot of enhancements, it carries itself, it can be recharged, among other cool stuff.
Passive Animals & Critters - Alters the default Animal Behavior.
WME - Weapon Mod Expansion - Expands on Vanilla Weapon Mod Expansion
IMCNNV - More Complex Needs- A ridiculously detailed, immersion oriented overhaul of the Hardcore mode hunger/thirst/sleep system.
More Perks - Adds over 75 Perks to the game.
Arwen Realism Tweaks - A gameplay overhaul, changes a lot of settings such as fall damage, weapons damage, etc.
FOOK - An overhaul mod which adds hundreds of new items, high quality retextures and many new gameplay features to the base game.
Places and Quests
Goodsprings Home - Adds a Player Home to the Goodsprings Area.Adults Only.
Markers for the Strip - Adds Fast Travel Markers for the Strip
New Vegas Bounties - New Quest, on which you assume the role of a Bounty Hunter.
RTS Real Time Settler - Find a strategic location, start your village, establish trade routes and alliances, and fight for your freedom!
Bobblehunt - Adds a bobblehead hunt quest.
Wasteland Defense - An Alternative to RTS Realtime Settler
Underground Hideout - Adds a vault that the player can use as his home.
Less Intrusive Kill Cam - Decreases the Kill Cam duration and frequency.
Trading Post Sells NCR Armor - A way to get NCR Ranger Armor without killing a Ranger Vet.
Improved Implant Regeneration - Improves the Regeneration Implant, by recovering more HP.
Jump Fall Fixer - This mod removes the 'invisible ledge' that crops up when the player's jump height is increased too much by a mod.
Nexus Fallout Nv Adult Mods
KTs SpeedSquad - Changes the Companions following distance.
No Neos - Enemys can't dodge bullets anymore.
Sniper Perk Enhanced - Enhances the Sniper Perk, by reducing spread, among other things.
Charisma Based Follower Limit - Self Explanatory
HUD Extended - Extends the HUD to see time, among other things.
Level 60 Cap - Increases level cap to 60.
Alternate Loading Screens and Extras - Self Explanatory
Tweaks #2
Lucky Lighter - Gives the Lucky Lighter a +1 Luck effect.
IWS Increased Spawn - Self Explanatory
Service Rifle Burst Fire - Changes Service rifle from Semi-Automatic to Burst Fire.
NCR Enhancement - Adds new npcs, vendors and fortifications (lore friendly).
1ASS RPG - Changes to quest, Perk/Trait, Stat, Skill and message descriptions to reflect 1st person, among other things.
Realistic Weapons Damage - RWD - Increases BodyPart Damage, headshots are now Fatal and combat is much more dangerous. Also increases explosion effect.
The Walking Dead - Makes ghouls walk, among other things.
Mysterious Increase - Increases the chance of Mysterious Stranger helping you.
Fallout New Vegas Re-Animated - Improves game animation, like aiming, running, etc.
Experience Level Adjust - Adjust Experience Level to your liking.

New Vegas Replayability - Makes changes to ensure maximum replayability like respawning everywhere, raised level cap and more!
Ambient Temperature - Lets you check the air temperature, dew point, heat index, and relative humidity.
Visual Enhancements
DOF Depth of Field - Adds a Depth of Field effect on New Vegas ( FNV Enhanced Shaders already adds a Dynamic DOF, but if you want to use Anti-Aliasing, disable the FNV Enhanced Shaders DOF, and use this one.
Rusty Highway - Adds damaged cars throughout the Highway.
Detailed Normals - Bumps up the New Vegas Landscape textures and makes them more crisp and detailed.
Parkerized Pip Boy - Improves the Pip-Boy general look.
Arenovalis Weapon Retexture Project - This is a pack release containing all of Arenovalis's New Vegas weapon retextures
FNV Enhanced Shaders - My Personal Favorite, Adds some visual pizazz and styling to the graphics of Fallout New Vegas
Fellout NV Adds realistic lighting to the game, and makes nights darker. Now you´ll really need that Pip-boy light to travel during nighttime.
Nevada Skies - This mod adds more versatile Weather Effects to the Mojave.
Lighten Up New Vegas - Adds more diversion to the soundtrack.
Clean Up
Clean Up New Vegas - Cleans up New Vegas, removing useless clutter from the ground
Fallout Nv Adult Mods
New Vegas Restoration - Cleans up New Vegas, removes Trash , etc.
Cleaned Novac - Cleans up Novac, removes all the trash and fixes the street.
Clean Goodsprings - Cleans up Goodsprings, removing all the trash.