Best Wizard Spells 5e

  1. Best Level 2 Wizard Spells 5e
  2. Best Wizard Spells 5e Reddit
  3. Best Wizard Spells 5e Level 4
  4. Best Wizard Spells 5e - Video Results

Wizards are scholarly magic users that pluck at the strings of the arcane through constant study and practice.

Best races for a wizard. + 2 Int gives gnomes a natural aptitude for learning magic. And Gnomish Cunning gives them advantage on saving throws against magic. All elves get +2 Dex, which helps your AC. They also gain automatic proficiency in the Perception skill, which is useful for any. Spell Mastery:- Once you make your Wizard level up 5e to the 18 th level, you can cast any spell you want, whenever you l ike. For this, you need to choose two Wizard spells from your Spellbook, preferably a 1 st-level spell and a 2 nd-level one.After preparing these spells, you can cast these at their lowest level.

The result of their hunger for knowledge allows them to mind control, bring forth planar beings, shoot flames, and other magical means that benefit them.

And spells define a wizard.

They acquire spells through experimentation, other wizards, ancient tomes, or ancient creatures by recording them in their spellbooks.

Unlike Bards and Sorcerers, Wizards have a wide selection of spells available to the class, as long as they have spell slots for them. Wizards need to prepare their spells ahead of time which requires foresight.

This is why they’re considered to be the “Swiss Army Knife” of D&D, as they can prep for any situation.

I tried to focus on utility and versatility on this list, as well as some powerful spells. Enjoy!

Note: I arranged this list according to the level of the spells as well. Make sure you always have a damage cantrip ready to maximize your damage.

20. Prestidigitation

Source: Player’s Handbook

Prestidigitation is a staple cantrip among spell casters.

Using this cantrip allows you to create harmless sensory effects like sparks, musical notes, or an odd odor.

It can also light or extinguish a small flame, clean or soil an object, adjust temperatures, change flavors, or create a small trinket that can fit in your hand.

This means you can warm your bedroll any time. Or play music when camping. Or maybe make knocking noises to distract a guard, or make a poison taste and smell good.

There’s not a whole lot Prestidigtation can’t do, with a little creativity.

19. Find Familiar

Source: Player’s Handbook

Being a 1st level spell, Find Familiar scales well into later campaigns.

It allows you to have an arcane entity (Fey, Fiend, or Celestial) serve you in the form of a beast.

You and your familiar have a telepathic bond. So as long as your familiar isn’t too far away, you can see through its eyes and listen through its ears.

Channelling your senses into your familiar, you also gain its senses like a bat’s blindsight or an owl’s darkvision.

You could turn your familiar into a raven to send a message, or an octopus to grab treasure deep underwater.

18. Mage Armor

Source: Player’s Handbook

A popular spell on the 1st level spell list, Mage Armor protects a willing unarmored target by surrounding them with a magical force, turning their base AC to 13 + Dexterity modifier.

Mage Armor’s duration is 8 hours and the spell ends once the target puts on armor.

Although they can still use a shield while under the spell’s effect.

This spell is handy when you’re ambushed and don’t have time to prepare. You may also use this to protect the more vulnerable members of your party, like the barbarian who insists on fighting naked.

17. Shield

Source: Player’s Handbook

Shield is a fantastic 1st level spell that creates a magical shield to protect you.

It’s a reaction, so you can choose whether to use it after an enemy makes an attack roll against you. And it lasts until your next turn.

It gives you +5 AC which can surprise enemies when they think you’re an easy target. Just note, your decision to use your Shield spell has to be done before your DM rolls for damage.

Shield is a life saver at forcing enemies to have to deal with your higher AC, and also makes you immune to magic missile.

This makes Shield especially useful when you want to maintain a spell that requires concentration.

Best Level 2 Wizard Spells 5e

16. Invisibility

Source: Player’s Handbook

Now this 2nd level spell is incredibly fun, and your rogue will always thank you for the free sneak attacks.

Invisibility is simple: it turns a creature you touch invisible.

This spell is great for sneaking in or out of somewhere, any time of day. Take note that you can still be heard when invisible, so keep that in mind!

15. Fly

Source: Player’s Handbook

Fly is a great utility spell.

It’s a 3rd level spell that allows your wizard to target a willing creature and grants them the ability to fly for 10 minutes.

Fly makes you to look and use terrain in three dimensions.

This also lets you bypass troublesome enemies and allows your fighter to engage flying enemies.

You could still be vulnerable to projectiles, but it’s a lot better than a great axe to the face.

If your party barbarian thinks they’re scary, wait until you cast fly on them. A barbarian charging towards an enemy at 60 feet per round in the air is a nightmare!

14. Counterspell

Source: Player’s Handbook

Any seasoned Wizard has at least one story where Counterspell saved their party from total disaster.

This 3rd level spell isn’t as flashy as the rest. But it can change a deadly encounter into a mild annoyance.

Counterspell allows you to interrupt a creature’s spell casting as a reaction.

If you Counterspell a level 3 or lower level spell, the spell takes no effect.

If you Counterspell a level 4 or higher level spell, you have to bypass the spell’s DC with a spellcasting ability check for it to be interrupted.

13. Fireball

Source: Player’s Handbook

If a Wizard had to choose only one spell, I think Fireball would likely be it.

Fireball is a 3rd level spell iconic to D&D for as long it’s been around.

You point your finger in a direction and make a 20 feet explosion. Every creature in the area of effect must make a Dexterity saving throw or take full damage.

While fire resistance is built into a lot of D&D monsters, the amount of damage output (and range you get) from Fireball easily makes up for it.

Not to mention, explosions are just awesome.

12. Haste

Source: Player’s Handbook

Haste is mostly beneficial to the rest of the party. But still really valuable.

Haste is a 3rd level spell that doubles a creature’s movement speed, grants them +2 AC and grants them an additional action on their turn.

This means more attacks turning your party into a chainsaw. A must-have for any party, as you’ll almost always have a melee fighter.

11. Polymorph

Source: Player’s Handbook

This is a mainstay for every Wizard because of its extreme versatility.

It can render a target useless, save and empower an ally, and has plenty of utility.

Polymorph is a classic 4th level spell allowing a Wizard to turn any creature into a beast of the same challenge rating (or level) or lower.

This means you can turn a target into a harmless frog for an hour. Or turn an ally into a powerful T-Rex to wreak havoc.

The creature may retain their personality and alignment. But they’ll now have the stats and health of the new beast. This means that as long as your ally is above 0 Hit Points, you can turn them into a T-Rex giving them 136 Hit Points in a pinch.

And you can have a T-Rex on your side.

10. Sickening Radiance

Source: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

A Wizard has a lot of potentially game-breaking abilities.

Sickening Radiance is one of them.

A 4th level spell which may look uninteresting at first, but if used correctly, can take down powerful foes.

Sickening Radiance creates a 30-foot sphere of green light for 10 minutes. If a creature inside it fails a Constitution saving throw, they take 4d10 radiant damage, emit a green dim light, and brings them down by one exhaustion level.

A thing to note about exhaustion is that there are 6 levels of it, and once a creature is at the lowest level of exhaustion, they die.

To add to that, the more exhausted a creature is, the bigger the disadvantage they have with ability checks.

Trap the creature in the area of effect and if they fail their Constitution save 5 times, it’s over. If the creature stays in the area of effect for the entire 10 minutes, they have to make 100 saving throws just to stay alive.

Easily one of the most brutal spells if set up properly.

9. Animate Objects

Source: Player’s Handbook

Animate Objects has become a favored spell.

This 5th level spell lets you command objects nearby that aren’t worn or being carried by others.

You can control up to ten non-magical objects, depending on its size with its own Health, AC, Strength, and Dexterity.

Animate Objects could be used to animate gold coins to rip apart an enemy. It could come in handy when your party doesn’t have their weapons, and all you’ve got are rocks and sticks.

You could also command a boulder to block or unblock a passage way.

8. Wall of Force

Source: Player’s Handbook

Don’t underestimate Wall of Force. It’s an extremely useful 5th level spell.

With it, you can make a magical wall, dome, or sphere.

The basic strategy of this spell would be to wall off half of the enemies, so you only have to deal with the other half. Casting the wall on an occupied area lets you push creatures to either side.

Physical and Ethereal creatures and objects can’t go through Wall of Force, either.

7. Contingency

Source: Player’s Handbook

Contingency is a 6th level spell that rewards the prepared.

Contingency lets you to use a 5th level spell (or lower) available to you, which you can target yourself with.

The spell activates when a circumstance that you describe, actually occurs. Literally a “contingency” on a D&D campaign.

If you’re worried about a situation your character might end up in, you can now prepare an answer for that.

A great spell to have under Contingency is Dispel Magic, just in case you succumb to magic that can incapacitate you.

6. Mass Suggestion

Source: Player’s Handbook

Mass Suggestion will give you the ability to undo potential combat encounters by simply suggesting potential enemies to go out of town and enjoy a night of campfire songs.

Mass Suggestion is a 6th level spell that lasts up to 24 hours, and can target up to 12 creatures.

This could also turn a horrible social interaction at a feast, or a council meeting, just by Mass Suggesting the room into agreeing with you.

The spell ends when you give your targets suicidal commands. Dark, I know.

5. Forcecage

Source: Player’s Handbook

One of the most effective 7th level spells is Forcecage.

This creates a magical, immobile, invisible, cubed cage that entraps any creature within the cage’s area (10ft x 10ft).

The only way to escape Forcecage is by magical means, but only if they succeed a saving throw.

This spell could be used in combination with other spells with deadly effect. A few examples are Sickening Radiance, Cloud Kill, and other spells that would benefit from an immobilized enemy.

4. Simulacrum

Source: Player’s Handbook

At the 7th level spell range, spells start to get very strong and Simulacrum is particularly powerful.

This allows you to make a duplicate of a beast or humanoid from snow. That means you could copy yourself or someone else, which opens up a lot of roleplay opportunities.

The duplicate only has half the health of the original and no equipment. But it bears all the stats of the original.

This also means they can cast the same spells the original can. The duplicate will be under your command, but lacks the ability to learn or become more powerful.

Still, Simulacrum can be potentially game breaking by making duplicates of the duplicates of the spell caster. But you should ask your DM if they’ll allow it.

3. Feeblemind

Source: Player’s Handbook

Render a powerful Wizard or Sorcerer useless with the 8th level spell.

Feeblemind inflicts a small amount of psychic damage at 4d6, but requires an Intelligence saving throw.

If the target fails the saving throw, their Charisma and Intelligence plummets to 1. Making them unable to use magic items, cast spells, understand language, or communicate.

However, they can still identify friend from foe and even protect them.

The beautiful thing about Feeblemind is that the creature can only make Intelligence saving throws every 30 days.

2. Maze

Source: Player’s Handbook

When a Wizard gets access to 8th level spells, Maze is an easy first pick.

You point at an enemy and banish them into a demiplane maze with no saving throw.

The banished creature stays in the maze until the spell runs out, or until they are able to escape with a DC 20 Intelligence check.

Maze is still viable when banishing opponents with legendary resistances because forcing them to spend their action to escape the maze takes them out of the fight for at least a round.

Best Wizard Spells 5e Reddit

1. Wish

Source: Player’s Handbook

Easily the most powerful spell available to any wizard, Wish is the 9th level spell to have.

There’s a lot to Wish, so you want to be careful when you gain access to it.

The basics of Wish is that it can duplicate the effects of any 8th level spell or lower, without having to spend for its components.

You may create any non-magical object that costs up to 25,000gp in value, and it can be no larger than 300 feet. You could fully heal up to twenty creatures as well as removing any effects that greater restoration can remove.

But wait, there’s more: you can give up to ten creatures resistance to a certain damage type, or make them immune to a particular spell for up to 8 hours.

You could also use Wish to do crazy things like stop a Tarasque’s regeneration.

There is a lot to this spell and with great power comes great responsibility. So definitely approach with caution.

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Welcome to our top ten Wizard spell list! We went through every available spell in the Wizard’s arsenal and came out with a list that we believe to have the most reliable and efficient spells a Wizard can wield. We wanted to have a good mixture of utility, efficient damage dealing, and role-playing when creating this list, as every campaign should have a good mixture of all three of those aspects. Wizard spells, much like with Druid spells, offer a variety of powerful options. So without further ado, here is our Wizard Spells 5E Rankings.

10. Counterspell

  • School: Abjuration
  • Level: 3rd
  • Casting Time: Reaction to another character casting a spell within range
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: Somatic
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The first entry on our Wizard Spells 5E List is Counterspell. Counterspell allows you to interrupt another character’s casting process. If the spell they are casting is at the same or at a lower casting slot than Counterspell’s, the spell fails instantly. If the spell is above the casting level, you need to make a successful spellcasting ability roll against the spells DC, which is equal to the spell’s level plus ten.

9. Find Familiar

  • School: Conjuration
  • Level: 1st
  • Casting Time: 1 Hour
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (10 gold worth of charcoal, incense, and herbs that must be consumed by fire in a brass brazier)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You summon a spirit that takes one of these forums: bat, cat, crab, frog (toad), hawk, lizard, octopus, owl, poisonous snake, fish (quipper), rat, raven, sea horse, spider, or weasel. Your familiar acts independently of you, but it will listen to your commands via telepathy. Also, as an action, you can see through the familiar’s eyes, leaving all of your bodily functions behind. You can only have one familiar at a time; if you attempt to summon a new familiar, instead, your current familiar changes to a new forum. You can dismiss the familiar into a pocket dimension, where it will wait for you to call for it. And lastly, you can cast a spell through the familiar, essentially extending your reach.

8. Haste

  • School: Transmutation
  • Level: 3rd
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a shaving of licorice root)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A willing target doubles their speed, gets a plus two to their AC, has an advantage with Dexterity saving throws, and gains an additional action per turn. That additional action can be used to Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. When the spell ends, the target loses their next turn.

7. Light

  • School: Evocation
  • Level: Cantrip
  • Casting Time: One Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: Verbal, Material (a firefly or phosphorescent moss)
  • Duration: One Hour

For one hour, an item you touch will brighten up a twenty-foot radius, and dimly light an additional twenty feet beyond that. If the item is attached to a hostile being, that being must make a successful Dexterity check to avoid their item from being affected by the light spell. Not only does Light cut the need to worry about the weather with a torch it, but it can also be used to redirect a potential thread in a different direction.

6. Shield

Best Wizard Spells 5e Level 4

  • School: Adjuration
  • Level: First
  • Casting Time: One Reaction to when you are targeting by an attack or spell
  • Range: Thirty Feet
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic
  • Duration: One Round

In response to an attack, you can cast Shield to give yourself a plus five bonus to your AC for one round. Normally, your AC is 10 plus your Dexterity modifier. The additional plus five will make it nearly impossible to take damage while under Shield’s protection. This will be incredibly useful if your team is facing a horde of enemies.

See Also: Coup de Grace 5E Guide

5. Invisibility

  • School: Illusion
  • Level: 2nd
  • Casting Time: One Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (an Eyelash encased in Gum Arabic)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

A friendly target (including yourself) that you touch along with everything that they are carrying becomes invisible. If you prepare Invisibility in a higher spell slot, you can target an additional friendly character for each slot above the second level you prepare this at. Unfortunately, you cannot attack or take anything while invisible, or else it will break the spell. But it is the easiest way to escape from impending doom when necessary.

4. Mage Hand

  • School: Conjuration
  • Level: Cantrip
  • Casting Time: One Action
  • Range: Thirty Feet
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic
  • Duration: One Minute

A spectral hand appears that can do the following actions:

  • Manipulate lightweight objects.
  • Open an unlocked door or container.
  • Pour contents out of a vial

The hand cannot pick anything up that is heavier than 10 pounds, activate enchanted items, or attack. Mage Hand is primarily used to solve puzzles and distract enemies.

3. Hold Person

  • School: Enchantment
  • Level: 2nd
  • Casting Time: One Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (small, straight Piece of Iron)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Near the top of our Wizard Spells 5E List is Hold Person. When cast, a humanoid target within sixty-feet must make a successful Wisdom check or they will become paralyzed. A character paralyzed by Hold Person can make another Wisdom roll at the end of their turn and will lose their paralyzed condition if their Wisdom roll is successful. If you prepare Hold Person in a higher spell slot, you can target one additional humanoid for each slot above the second level you prepare this at.

2. Fireball

  • School: Evocation
  • Level: Third
  • Casting Time: One Action
  • Range: 150 Feet
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a tiny ball of bat poop and sulfur)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You target a specific spot that is at most 150 feet away with a giant ball of fire that forces every creature in a 20-foot radius from the impact spot to make a Dexterity saving throw. If they fail, they take 8d6 damage. If they succeed, they take half of 8d6 damage. For the cost of a little bit of bat poop, you can clear out an entire army!

1. Message

Best Wizard Spells 5e - Video Results

  • School: Transmutation
  • Level: Cantrip
  • Casting Time: One action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a short piece of copper wire)
  • Duration: One round

And number one on our Wizard Spells 5E list is Message. You point your finger at your target that is in range, and you can whisper a message to that person. This is one of the strongest abilities in the game, as it will let you get information to your party without having to be right next to them. It could save your team a whole lot of time, especially if you are in a situation where you both need to remain silent. This spell is also on our list of the Best Wizard Cantrips in 5e.

